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Following your Human Biology interests  

Selectives provide an opportunity for students to take a deeper dive into one of the core disciplines or explore new subjects related to Human Biology. Students choose from a diverse list of courses. A minimum of 12 credits of selectives are required. 

  • ANP 204 Introduction to Medical Anthropology
  • ANP 206 Introduction to Physical Anthropology
  • ANP 270 Women and Health: Anthropological and International Perspectives
  • ANP 370 Culture, Health, and Illness
  • ANP 425 Issues in Medical Anthropology
  • ANP 441 Osteology and Forensic Anthropology
  • ANP 443 Human Adaptabiliy
  • ANTR 355 Human Gross Anatomy Laboratory 
  • BLD 204 Mechanisms of Disease
    • Must be taken before senior status
  • BLD 213L Clinical Laboratory Methods
  • BLD 324 Fundamentals of Hematology, Hemostasis, and Urinalysis
  • BLD 430 Molecular Diagnostics
  • BLD 439 Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics
  • BLD 446 Immunobiology of Neoplasia
  • BLD 447 Immunomodulation and Immunotherapy
  • EPI 390 Disease in Society: Introduction to Epidemiology & Public Health

Students may receive credit for directed study opportunities (HBIO 496), internships (HBIO 497), and research experience (HBIO 498).

Students are responsible for finding the research or internship opportunity. 

For more information and to submit a proposal, click on the links below. 

  • HNF 310 Nutrition in Medicine for Pre-Health Professionals
  • IBIO 408 Histology
  • IBIO 445 Evolution (W)
  • MGI 301 Introductory Microbiology
  • MGI 302 Introductory Lab for General and Allied Health Microbiology
  • MGI 365 Medical Microbiology
  • MGI 365L Medical Microbiology Laboratory
  • MGI 404 Human genetics
  • MGI 431 Microbial Genetics
  • MGI 461 Molecular Pathogenesis
  • MGI 465 Advanced Medical Microbiology
  • MGI 465L Advanced Medical Microbiology Laboratory
  • NEU 300 Neurobiology
  • NEU 310 Psychology and Biology of Human Sexuality 
  • PHM 321 Common Drugs
  • PHM 350 Introductory Human Pharmacology
  • PHM 351 Fundamentals of Drug Safety
  • PHM 422 Fundamentals of Neuropharmocology
  • PHM 430 Human Pharmacology
  • PHM 431 Pharmacology of Drug Addiction
  • PHM 440 Principles of Drug Action
  • PHM 450 Introduction to Chemical Toxicology
  • PHM 461 Tropical Medicine Pharmacology
  • PSL 311L Physiology Laboratory for Pre-Health Professionals 
  • PSY 320 Health Psychology
  • PSY 333 Neurobiology of Food Intake 
  • PH 101 Introduction to Public Health
  • OST 402 Introduction to Global Health